
7Arte joins Trans Europe Halles

Trans Europe Halles (TEH) is a European network of cultural centers, initiated by citizens and artists who advocate and promote culture. With around 90 member organizations and partners across Europe, the network functions as a dynamic forum of ideas, experiences and exchanges, supporting the members and their community. The member organizations of Trans Europe Halles […]

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Videos with tips about environmental digital campaigns

As part of the YEE (Youth and Environmental Europe) project “Youth Digital Communic[ACTION]” and “Strengthening the European Youth Climate Movement: Showcasing and Supporting the Unheard” 4 videos on successful digital campaigns were created. 7 Arte translated these 4 videos in Albanian, and subtitles were added with Adobe Premiere Pro 2022, from June until August by. The list of videos: […]

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The activist that reads the needs of her city | Mevlude Skuroshi | 7 Arte

7Arte is excited to share the fourth and final article within the project “Showcasing the Unheard” in partnership with YEE (Youth and Environment Europe), emphasizing motivational stories of the young women of Kosovo. This is the story of the versatile activist Mevlude Skuroshi. Mevlude Skuroshi lives and works in the city of Mitrovica, one of […]

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We all start from somewhere | Lirika Raça | 7 Arte

7Arte is excited to share the story of Lirika Raça and the organization Balkan Green Foundation. This is an article that emphasizes local movements on climate and environmental issues in the country of Kosovo, part of the “Showcasing the Unheard” project that is organized by YEE (Youth and Environment Europe). Lirika Raça is 25 years […]

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#MoseMerrMalin, the movement against the “silent killer” | Elira Sahitaj | 7 Arte

7Arte is excited to share the story of Elira Sahitaj and the campaign #MoseMerrMalin. This is an article that emphasizes young women’s local movements on climate and environmental issues in the country of Kosovo, part of the “Showcasing the Unheard” project that is organized by YEE (Youth and Environment Europe). Elira Sahitaj is 23 years […]

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Tackling climate issues through “Traceabeelity” | Narta & Hana Voca | 7 Arte

7 Arte is excited to partner with YEE (Youth and Environment Europe) in the “Showcasing the Unheard” project, part of which are the motivational articles of young women in Kosovo that emphasize local movements on climate and environmental issues. We will start with the story of the Narta Voca and her sister & partner Hana. […]

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How to create a successful digital campaign | Digital activism toolkit

Today’s digital landscape offers many opportunities for environmental activists. 7Arte has been responsible for the translation of the digital manual produced by Youth and Environment Europe with the support of Climate Action Network Europe through the DEAR program from the European Commission. This handbook aims to provide young people with practical tools and digital communication […]

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7Arte organized the workshop on the topic “How to create a successful digital campaign”

Within the YEE (Youth and Environmental Europe) project “Youth Digital Communic[ACTION]” and “Strengthening the European Youth Climate Movement: Showcasing and Supporting the Unheard”, 7Arte has organized the workshop focusing on the topic “How to create a successful digital campaign”. This event was organized on 21.07, during the days of the twelfth edition of Green Fest, […]

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Tfillimi përkundrejt pështjellimit

Arsim Canolli Me tfillue, do të thotë me i nisë gjërat; me vendos diçkafin, por edhe veten apotjetrin, në drejtim, vend apo kohë të duhur. Në traditën popullore është përdorur mjaftshumë fjala “me tfillue punën”, “me tfillue venin”, “me u tfillue marë”, “ka marrë e katfillue”, “i tfillueshëm”. Ai që tfillon, nuk rrin, nuk ndalet; […]

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Mbrëmë në Mitrovicë u hap edicioni i 12’të i festivalit Green Fest.

Në fjalimin hyrës të mbajtur nga kryetari i Komunës së Mitrovicës z.Bedri Hamza, u vlerësua lartë dhe u konfirmua mbështetja e mëtutjeshme për organizimin e festivalit tashmë tradicional Green Fest në komunën e Mitrovicës, duke e parë si potencial për zhvillimin e jetës kulturore, turizmit si dhe rritjes së vetëdijes mbi çështjet mjedisore. Ndërkaq, drejtori […]

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Showing 31 to 40 of 165 results