
Publikohet raporti i auditimit për vitin 2022

     7Arte publikon raportin e auditimit për vitin 2022, duke ofruar transparencë dhe llogaridhënie për anëtarët dhe mbështetësit e saj. Raporti detajon gjendjen financiare të organizatës dhe operacionet e saj gjatë vitit fiskal dhe performancen e saj financiare, rrjedhen e parase, per vitin qe ka perfunduar ne perputhshmeri me ligjet aktuale ne fuqi. Njëherit Letra […]

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Annual Report of 7Arte for 2022

7Arte has published its annual report of cultural projects for the year 2022. The report contains detailed information about the cultural projects that were implemented during the year, as well as the economic impact and the quantitative impact of these projects. The report also publishes important news related to the field of culture. 7Arte encourages […]

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Auditor’s Report

Independent-Auditors-Report-2017_2018Download Independent-Auditors-Report-2016_2017Download 7Arte_report - EUOK-10 Expenditure Verification_2017Download

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